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The Fitnessista Podcast: Healthy In Real Life

Aug 29, 2018

Hi friends! Today we have a Q&A episode on Healthy In Real Life! I’ve received quite a few requests for this type of podcast and had so much fun compiling your questions from Instagram. Thank you so much to those of you who sent them in! 

Here’s what I talk about in today’s episode:

- My first thought when I found out Tom was in the military

- P’s nicknames

- The “Health at Every Size” Movement

- Do I count calories

- What I do when I don’t feel motivated at the gym

- My best weight loss tips if I had to pick 3

You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play.

Please take a moment to rate and review the show if you enjoy it! Thank you so much for listening.