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The Fitnessista Podcast: Healthy In Real Life

Jun 27, 2018

Our personal relationships can have a huge impact on our health and overall wellbeing. This is the very first episode I recorded for the podcast, and it's with my best friend, also known as the Pilot. We share some of the tips we think strengthen our relationship and marriage, talk about stress management, and...

Jun 19, 2018

Jessica Valant is the founder of Jessica Valant Pilates. She’s a physical therapist, fitness instructor, Pilates teacher, and mom of two. She has her own membership site and also provides free YouTube and Facebook workouts for her audience.

In this episode, we discuss:

-Unrealistic expectations for new moms


Jun 14, 2018

Hello hello! I'm so excited for this new endeavor and another opportunity to chat and connect with you all. This is an intro episode, where I share my personal health and fitness background + how I started the blog Please subscribe for upcoming expert interviews from friends in the fitness and...